Our approach



"In our physiotherapy, we use a differentiated approach based on manual therapy and therapeutic exercise. The techniques we use are informed by the latest evidence based practice and aim to reduce pain, improve mobility and prevent future injuries."

Your daily activity can cause normal wear and tear and sensitivity in your body, give it the care and attention it needs.


During your first visit, a full evaluation will be made through clinical examination and history taking, in order to exclude serious pathologies and to identify the cause of the pain and dysfunction you feel, in order to reach the solution of the problem.



A combination of joint mobilization techniques, massage and complementary methods such as biomedical acupuncture and electrotherapy, achieve the release of tension in the muscles and joints, making you move better without pain.

Therapeutic Exercise

Therapeutic exercise is an essential part of physiotherapy Through customized exercise programs you improve the full range of motion, strength and endurance of your muscles and joints. In addition, it enhances your balance, helping to prevent injury and help you regain daily function after injury or illness. 

Through these exercises, you maintain your independence and enjoy a healthy and active life.